Watch the live-stream videos from the January 23, 2019 presentations of the three finalist design teams!

Mikyoung Kim Design has partnered with James Carpenter Design Associates, Quinn Evans, Giffels Webster, CDAD, Cuseum, Transsolar, WKSHPS, Tillett Lighting, Schlaich Bergermann Partner and H&RA Advisors as part of the DIA Plaza | Midtown Cultural Connections international design competition.
TENxTEN has partnered with MASS Design Group, Local Project, DMET, Craig Wilkins, HR&A Advisors, Wade Trim and Atelier 10 as part of the DIA Plaza | Midtown Cultural Connections international design competition.
DSQ is an international collaborative effort between Agence Ter, Akoaki, rootoftwo, and Harley Etienne Additional Project Partners: Arcadis North America 8’8” Lumiere Kiduck Kim Architect Transsolar Klima Engineering, Stuttgart Drummond Carpenter Engineering & Research

The Detroit Institute of Arts and Midtown Detroit, Inc. chose three finalists for the DIA Plaza and Midtown Cultural Connections international design competition

Agence Ter, Mikyoung Kim Design and TEN x TEN chosen by judges after public presentations

Read the full press release here.

Agence Ter, Paris, France

Team partners are Akoaki, Detroit; Harley Etienne, University of Michigan; rootoftwo; University of Michigan and Detroit; and Transsolar | KlimaEngineering, Germany. 

Watch their June presentation HERE.


Mikyoung Kim Design, Boston

Team partners are James Carpenter Design Associates, New York; CDAD, Detroit; Wkshps, Quinn Evans, Detroit; Giffels Webster, Detroit; Tillett Lighting, New York; Cuseum, Boston; Transsolar | KlimaEngineering, Germany; and Schlaich Bergermann & Partners, New York.

Watch their June presentation HERE.


TEN x TEN, Minneapolis

Team partners are MASS Design Group, New York; D MET, Detroit; Atelier Ten, London; Local Projects, Boston; HR&A Advisors, New York; and Dr. Craig Wilkins, University of Michigan.

Watch their June presentation HERE.
